Central Shariah Board for Islamic Banks of Bangladesh (CSBIB) arranged a webinar on “Cash Waqf and Sadaqa-e-Jariah in Human Welfare: Role of The Central Shariah Board” on May 5, 2021, at 11:00 am. Chairman of Executive Committee of the Central Shariah Board Prof. Md. Anwarul Azim Arif inaugurated the webinar while Chairman of the Board Dr. Mohammad Gias Uddin Talukder presided over it. Professor of University of New Orleans, USA, M. Kabir Hassan, Ph.D., presented the keynote paper in the webinar. Former Chairman of the NBR Dr. Muhammad Abdul Mazid was the Chief Guest and Chairman of the Fiqh Committee of the Central Shariah Board Principal Sayed Kamal Uddin Zafree was the Chief Discussant in the webinar. Honorable guests of the webinar included Adviser of the Central Shariah Board Mr. Shah Abdul Hannan, Ex-Secretary of the Ministry of Finance Mr.  Arastoo Khan, Executive Chairman of  Board of Governors of SEACO Foundation Mr. Salahuddin Kasem Khan, Vice Chairman of the IBCF Mr. A K M Nurul Fazal Bulbul and Director General of Training & Research Inst. of AIBL Mr. Abdul Awwal Sarker. Market Leaders included Managing Directors of different banks. Panel discussants included Vice-Chairman of the Central Shariah Board Mawlana M Shamaun Ali, Faqih Members of different banks, General Manager of Bangladesh Bank Mr. Md. Golzare Nabi and others. Secretary General of CSBIB Mr. Md. Abdullah Sharif, CIPA, CSAA, acted as moderator of the webinar. The discussants said helping hands should be extended to distressed people side by side with giving priority to agriculture, health, SME, etc. in Islamic banking. Particularly time-befitting research of Islamic banking and finance should make the best use of the sectors like cash Waqf (endowment) and Sadaqa-e-Jariah’ (constant donation). Otherwise, the objectives of Shariah can not be achieved. Affluent people will have to take up real steps to face the post-COVID-19 situation. They also called to participate in Sadaqa-e-Jariah through providing Central Shariah Board with cash Waqf and one-time donations to carry out various programs of acquiring knowledge including Shariah research and human resource development.