News Title

Workshop on 'Issuance and Management of Sukuk in Bangladesh' Date: September 26, 2020; Day: Saturday; Time: 10:30 am -12:40 pm (Dhaka GMT+6)

News Details

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                                                            CSBIB (Bangladesh)-ISRA (Malaysia) Webinar

                                                                              (Followed by Four-Day Workshop)


                                                   Issuance and Management of Sukuk in Bangladesh


Program Outline: Inaugural Session

Date: September 26, 2020                       Day: Saturday               Time: 1030 – 1250 (Dhaka; GMT+6)

TimeParticularsName of GuestsMinute
1030-1035Recitation from the Holy Quran

Maulana Md. Farid Uddin

Member Secretary, Shariah Supervisory Committee, Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited

1035-1045Introducing Honorable Guests by the Host

Mr. Md. Abdullah Sharif

Secretary General, Central Shari'ah Board for Islamic Banks of Bangladesh (CSBIB)



1045-1100Inaugural Speech by the Chair

Mr. M Azizul Huq 

Chairman , EC, Central Shari'ah Board for Islamic Banks of Bangladesh (CSBIB)

1100-1115Malaysia as the Global Leader of Sukuk: What it did Right?

Professor Dr. Mohamad Akram Laldin 

Executive Director, International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA), Malaysia



1115-1125Contribution of AAOIFI for Expansion & Stability of Sukuk Market

Mr. Omar Mustafa Ansari

Secretary General

Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI)

1125-1135Issuance of Sukuk in Development of Bangladesh : Role of Government

Mr. Abdur Rouf Talukder

Finance Secretary, Ministry of Finance

Government of the People`s Republic of Bangladesh 



1135-1145Sukuk as an Opportunity in Supporting the Needs of Islamic Banks and Economic Development of Bangladesh: The Role of Bangladesh Bank

Mr. Syed Tariquzzaman

Executive Director

Debt Management Department

Bangladesh Bank

1145-1155A Review of Islamic Finance Development in Bangladesh and the Way Forward

Mr. Arastoo Khan

Ex-Secretary, Ministry of Finance 

Chairman, Advisory Board, Build Bangladesh

1155-1205Importance of Human Capital Development for Expansion of Sukuk in Bangladeshi Market 

Mr. Md. Aktaruzzaman, Ph.D

Director General

Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM)

1205-1213Sukuk and Liquidity Management of Islamic Banks 

Prof. Md. Nazmul Hassan, Ph.D.

Chairman, Board of Directors, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) & IBCF



1213-1221Sukuk and Investment Portfolio of Islamic Banks 

Prof. Md. Anwarul Azim Arif 

Chairman, Board of Directors, Social Islami Bank Limited



1221-1229Sukuk and the Role of Islamic Banks in Achieving SDGs

Mr. Kazi Akram Uddin Ahmed

Chairman, Board of Directors, Standard Bank Ltd.



1229-1237Sukuk and Economic Development of Bangladesh 

Alhajj Abdus Samad 

Chairman, Board of Directors, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited



1237-1245Sukuk and Sustainability of Islamic Banks 

Mr. Rumee A Hossain

Chairman,  EC, Bank Asia Limited



1245-1250Vote of Thanks and Conclusion of the Inaugural Session by the Chair

Mr. M Azizul Huq 

Chairman , EC, Central Shari'ah Board for Islamic Banks of Bangladesh (CSBIB)



                                                                                        Program Outline: Four-Day Workshop 

                                                                                         Day-1: September 26, 2020 (Saturday)

                                                                                                 Theme: Fundamentals of Sukuk 

1400-1410Speech by the Market Leader

Mr. Mahbub-ul-Alam

Managing Director and CEO, 

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited


Fundamental Aspects of Sukuk

  • AAOIFI Shariah Standard No. 17: Investment Sukuk
  • AAOIFI Governance Standard No. 12, Sukuk Governance
  • Sukuk Classifications Based on Technical and Commercial Features 
  • Issuers and Their Objectives
  • Investors and Their Objectives 
  • Tenure and Profit Distribution Frequency – Factors to be Considered
  • Pricing – How and What Factors Needs to be Considered?
  • Rating – Why and How?

Dr. M. Mahabbat Hossain 

Faculty Member, BIBM;

Academic Advisor, CSBIB;

Member of SSC, SBAC Bank Ltd.;

Member of SSB, IDLC; and

Member of SSB, Summit Communication Ltd.  


Fundamental Shariah Requirements for Sukuk

  • The Permissible and the Prohibited Activities 
  • Key Shariah Rulings on Sukuk Issuance and Trading – Global Experience and Bangladesh Perspective
  • Ownership and Possession of Assets
  • Underlying Assets and Their Impact in Tradability
  • Purchase and Sale Undertakings 
  • Combining Multiple Contracts into One
  • Application of Tanazul and Ibra in Sukuk for Profit Distribution, Subscription and Redemption Price

Mr. Md. Abdullah Sharif

Secretary General

Central Shari'ah Board for Islamic Banks of Bangladesh (CSBIB)




1720-1730Concluding Remarks for Day-1

Mr. Farman R Chowdhury

Managing Director and CEO, 

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited


                                                                                    Day-2: September 27, 2020 (Sunday)

                                                                                          Theme: Regulatory Framework

1400-1410Speech by the Market Leader

Dr. Mohammed Haider Ali Miah

Managing Director and CEO

Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited


Sukuk Issuance Process in Bangladesh: Sovereign Sukuk 

  • Relevant Regulators, Rules and Regulations
  • Parties Involved in Sukuk and Their General Roles 
  • Sukuk Offering Documents and Their General Content
  • Investors and Investment Process  
  • Considerations for IFI Issuance and Investments

Mr. Md. Golzare Nabi

Deputy General Manager Bangladesh Bank (BB)


Sukuk Issuance Process in Bangladesh Context: Corporate Issuance

  • Relevant Regulators, Rules and Regulations
  • Application of BSEC Investment Sukuk Rules 2019
  • Parties Involved in Sukuk and Their General Roles 
  • Sukuk Offering Documents and Their General Content
  • Investors and Investment Process
  • Sukuk Governance and Management Structure
  • Parties and Roles – Who are Eligible to Play What Roles?
  • Sukuk Assets – Eligible Assets and Their Management
  • Use of Sukuk Proceeds and Investor Protection
  • Public Offering and Trading of Sukuk – Requirements and Procedures
  • Reporting and Disclosure Requirements

Mr. Sk. Md. Lutful Kabir

Deputy Director, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC)

1720-1730Concluding Remarks for Day-2

Mr. Abu Zafore Md. Saleh

Managing Director and CEO, 

Islamic Finance and Investment Limited (IFIL)



                                                                                      Day-3: September 28, 2020 (Monday)

                                                                                                Theme: Structuring Sukuk

1400-1410Speech by the Market Leader

Mr. Muhammed Shahidul Islam

Managing Director and CEO Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited


Sale-based Sukuk

  • Basic Structures and Case Studies
  • Shariah Issues Relating to Sale-based Sukuk
  • Practical Issues in Sale-based Sukuk


Lease-based Sukuk

  • Basic Structures and Case Studies
  • Shariah Issues Relating to Lease-based Sukuk
  • Practical Issues in Lease-based Sukuk

Mr. Mezbah Uddin Ahmed

           MIBF, FCCA, CIPA, CSAA

Researcher, International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA), Malaysia


Partnership-based Sukuk

  • Basic Structures and Case Studies
  • Shariah Issues Relating to Partnership-based Sukuk
  • Practical Issues in Partnership-based Sukuk


Agency-based Sukuk

  • Basic Structures and Case Studies
  • Shariah Issues Relating to Agency-based Sukuk
  • Practical Issues in Agency-based Sukuk

Mr. Mezbah Uddin Ahmed

           MIBF, FCCA, CIPA, CSAA

Researcher, International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA), Malaysia

1720-1730Concluding Remarks for Day-3Prof. Dr. Gias Uddin Talukder Chairman, Shariah Supervisory Committee, IBBL & FSIBL



                                                                                        Day-4: September 29, 2020 (Tuesday)

                                                                             Theme: Views Exchanging (Q&A) and Concluding

1400-1410Speech by the Market Leader

Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali

Managing Director and CEO 

First Security Islami Bank Limited


Introducing Sukuk in Bangladesh: Opportunities, Challenges and Way-Forward

  • Government Issuance 
  • Central Bank Issuance 
  • Islamic Financial Institution Issuance 
  • Corporate Issuance

Mr. Md. Abdul Awwal Sarker

Executive Director

Bangladesh Bank



1440-1510Adopting the Global Best Practice of Sukuk Issuance in Bangladesh

Prof. Dr. M. Kabir Hassan

University of   New Orleans (USA)

2016 IDB Prize Winner in Islamic Banking and Finance

AAOIFI Board Member of Ethics and Governance Committee and Education Board


Issuance and Management of Sukuk in Bangladesh: Open Q&A 

  • Government Issuance
  • Central Bank Issuance 
  • Islamic Financial Institution Issuance 
  • Corporate Issuance

Prof. Dr. M. Kabir Hassan

Mr. Md. Abdul Awwal Sarker

Mr. Md. Abdullah Sharif

Dr. M. Mahabbat Hossain

Mr. Mezbah Uddin Ahmed;

Mr. Md. Golzare Nabi;

Mr. Sk. Md. Lutful Kabir

1620-1630Preparation for Concluding Session 
1630-1730Concluding Ceremony of the Workshop

Professor Shibli Rubayat Ul Islam 

(Chief Guest)

Chairman, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC)

Principal Sayed Kamaluddin Zafree

Chairman, Fiqh Committee of CSBIB

Dr. Said Bouheraoua

Director, Research Development & Innovation Department, ISRA, Malaysia

Mr. Md. Fariduddin Ahmed

Chairman, SSC

ICB Islamic Bank Ltd 

Mr. Quazi Osman Ali

Managing Director and CEO, SIBL

Mr. Md. Abdullah Sharif

Secretary General, CSBIB


                                                                                                                            =/=The End=/=

Published : 09-08-2020 , 06:16 am